Grow Ventilation

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Grow ventilation for intake and exhaust to improve your home growing experience. Grow ventilation systems for green houses or grow boxes are important for the necessary airflow.

Purpose of Ventilation Systems:

  • Extraction of stale air
  • Cooling down air when lamps with high heat loss are used
  • Reduction of odours
To achieve one or more of these goals, often a combination of extradtion Fans (inline in most cases) and activated Carbon Filters are used in green houses. Which fan/filter combination is the best choice depends on the size of the room and the desired frequency of air exchange per hour. In addition, a warm attic requires more air flow than a cool basement. You also need to take into account the number of lamps that might rise the temperature as well.

Setup of a grow ventilation extraction system:

A basic equipment consists mainly of these parts:
  • (centrifugal) fans
  • carbon filter
  • duct hoses
  • fittings, clamps