Electronic Vaporizers
Electronic vaporizers are the first choice when it comes to precise temperature control and quality. They often offer temperature-stabilized heating Elements, displays for precise control of heating and precise vaporization for herbs with a wide range of requirements. Now that the Vaporizer market is being flooded with more and more cheap imitation products from faraway places, we would like to try to answer the recurring question about really relevant quality features. What are the real differences between entry-level vaporizers in the low double-digit range and the high-priced AroMed and Volcano models? The first most important difference in quality can usually be found in the basic features of the vaporizers. While features such as a remote control, a complete starter kit for liquid and solid materials and other additional accessories are absolutely normal for high-quality models, small entry-level vaporizers usually contain little more than the vaporizer itself. In addition to the equipment, another important feature is the workmanship. While the individual components of high-quality vaporizers are easy to dismantle and clean, this is often a problem with cheap models. Processing defects such as sharp edges, unclean cuts or leakage problems also occur considerably more often with entry-level models than with high-priced variants. The most important point, however, is the vaporization process itself. Absolute precision is essential here to ensure that the vaporization process does not result in scorching and thus the actual advantage of the vaporizer over a normal smoking device is reduced to absurdity. Unfortunately, cheap vaporizers in particular sometimes deviate quite significantly from the desired target temperature - a circumstance that is absolutely unacceptable. In view of these circumstances, we naturally recommend that our readers invest in a high-quality vaporizer. However, as not everyone is in a position to invest the necessary sums in a hobby such as smoking, especially in this day and age, we would like to conclude by reassuring you: even a cheap vaporizer is normally still much healthier than any other classic smoking device.
Vaporizers with electronic temperature control
A really important aspect of vaporizers is the temperature control. The simplest vaporizers do not have any form of electronic elements and are therefore naturally unable to achieve exact temperatures and therefore the ideal vaporization point in each case. If you want to work with different herbs whose vaporization points sometimes differ considerably from one another, then you can rarely avoid a Vaporizer with adjustable electronics. Ideally, the operating temperature should be infinitely variable and precisely adjustable to prevent unwanted combustion of the material.
What should e-vaporizers be able to do?