Cheap bongs

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This category is about super cheap Glass Bongs for risky adventures and economy class smoking fun! A good way to save some money when shopping for bongs is buying a cheap Bong set, but there are plenty of fully-equipped bongs cheap enough to warrant an impulse purchase.

Why buy cheap bongs?

If you haven't got the money to buy a high-end bong with all kinds of features or from special materials or if you are just a little too clumsy to keep your bong alive for more than one evening, you should definitely keep on reading. This is just about the easiest, quickest and safest way to come by a cheap bong without compromising too much quality.

We are very much aware that the label "cheap bong" hasn't got the most appealing ring (as cheap can also mean low quality). As marketing professionals we would prefer to call them economy bongs or budget bongs, but - also as marketing specialists - we know that most people who are searching for inexpensive products are indeed using the attribute "cheap" for their searches. And it's not unlikely that this is the reason why you have found this page in our shop at all.

Cheap glass bongs

Glass is the most common material for bongs. Glass bongs are pretty, cool, easy to clean and handy. Bargain glass bongs imply certain cuts in quality which means you have to take some care when shopping.

But there are cheap bongs made from glass available at reasonable prices. Even bongs with fitting padded case are available for surprisingly little money.

Glass bongs usually have a standard connection of 14.5 or 18.8 mm for their bowls. This means you can choose from a wide variety of bowls for your glass bong and use different bowls in one session. so you can prepare a bunch of bowl and use them one after another.

Acrylic bong bargains

Acrylic is a very good material for reasonably priced bongs. It is cheap and easy to work with - So it's possible to produce fancy Acrylic Bongs with little costs. Even some big bongs with 40cm or more are available for a little price.

Acrylic bongs are sturdy and don't easily break from falls, but they age quicker than glass bongs - residues get stuck and cleaning them isn't all that easy. Cheap bongs made from acrylic are available in many different sizes and colours. Normally they've got an aluminium downpipe and a screw-on bowl. As the thread usually is standardized it's possible to change the bowl and/or use different bowls on the same bong.